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From day to night: Ultimate beauty dupes

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From the perfect face-prep headband to a beauty blender dupe that delivers the same performance at half the price – here are some fresh ideas for an expert beginning (and end!) to your day.
When your routine gets a spring tune up, gorgeous things can happen. Here are some crowd pleasers to shake up that get-ready game.
When it comes to the tools in your beauty toolkit and the rituals they help navigate, there’s no denying we all find ourselves stuck in a bit of a rut now and then. Time to tow you out of that shoulder season funk and spring forward with some fresh ideas.
Few are brave enough to self-tan their face, and these days more and more glamazons are leaning into a less-is-more approach to a full face of makeup. So if you were to entertain just one product on your freshly prepped and moisturized mug as we near winter’s end? Consider a glotion…

Susie Wall  has been on fashion’s front lines as a Canadian TV style personality and fashion editor for two decades. On her segment Susie Q’s on The Morning Show, Susie helps viewers across Canada tackle their wardrobe and beauty dilemmas. Follow her on social media @SusieWallStyle.
